dream home

美 [driːm hoʊm]英 [driːm həʊm]
  • 网络梦想家园;梦想的家;梦想之家;梦想中的家;梦幻家园
dream homedream home
  1. Huang Yao is located at the junction of Guixiang Guangdong Hunan three provinces , a " dream home " is known as the Millennium town .


  2. I have , actually ; I 've always wanted to build my dream home myself .


  3. Now you 've finally got enough money together to put down a deposit on your dream home .


  4. I do not know if there is a dream home ?


  5. Well , so much for the dream home .


  6. You two shopping for your new dream home ?


  7. Owning a designer dream home can now become a reality .


  8. Experiential Learning IV : Building Our Dream Home Together !


  9. Describe the dream home to the class .


  10. However , the royal palace was not a real dream home for her .


  11. Buying a dream home second on the list , followed by investing and giving cash to family members .


  12. Maybe you can 't afford your dream home , but you throw legendary neighborhood parties .


  13. one who talked about how my kid and I deserve my dream home after the difficult life that I 've had .


  14. She is older mind messenger and hope that she is the cradle of the dream home of their childhood .


  15. Imm Cologne & An Dream Home


  16. For example , if you want to become a novelist , post an image of your dream home office or the front cover of a book .


  17. At the time , the Chive asked for donations to help the couple build their dream home : a wood cabin on a lake .


  18. " BOBO-ART " brings the art into your space , with innovative technology processes and profound cultural heritage , makes your dream home close to you .


  19. A man in Oregon got his hands on the shell of an old 727 airplane and now he 's turning the thing into his dream home .


  20. They have a program for first-time buyers called Georgia Dream Home Ownership , which has a Down Payment Assistance program for first-time buyers .


  21. Create and live your ideal life : Write the book you long to write , buy your dream home , open your own business , interview for your dream job .


  22. Bruce Campbell of Oregon , U.S. is converting a Boeing 727-200 to a dream home in the woods , the Daily Mail reported .


  23. It is no fun to house-hunt in a " thin " market , where the meagre crop of houses is unlikely to offer up the dream home .


  24. The couple , got engaged in Berlin last year after meeting in 2009 said they were determined to have the cheapest wedding possible so they could save money for their dream home and honeymoon .


  25. They came up with the plan to craft their own dream home after struggling to save a deposit for a family home in the area which would have cost them in the region of 390000 pounds .


  26. Thanks to a rare confluence of factors mortgages that far exceed home values and bargain-basement rents a growing number of families are concluding that the new American dream home is a rental .


  27. Agents say that the high-end London market is now attracting a much younger , financially astute type of buyer who , once they have secured their dream home , sees no advantage to selling up .


  28. They then rented a tiny , run-down house , and put their personal items in storage , hoping that the court-ordered judgment would finally come through and they could fix their now-empty dream home .


  29. I still dream of home


  30. The dream of home
